[tintuc]Khóa học hoàn chỉnh của Quản trị viên hệ thống được chứng nhận của Red Hat (RHCSA) , phiên bản thứ 3 hoàn toàn mới và được cập nhật đầy đủ cho RHEL 8. Khóa học này được thiết kế để dạy cho bạn mọi thứ bạn cần biết để vượt qua kỳ thi RHCSA. Mọi mục tiêu trong kỳ thi đều được thảo luận, cùng với những bài học chuyên sâu về các chủ đề phức tạp, vì vậy chúng không gây nhầm lẫn. Mỗi bài học kết thúc với một phòng thí nghiệm, vì vậy bạn có thể đi sâu vào các dự án của riêng mình và thấy Red Hat đang hoạt động; nhiều trong số các phòng thí nghiệm này bắt chước các kịch bản bạn có thể tìm thấy trong bài kiểm tra, vì vậy bạn có được kinh nghiệm cần thiết để thực hành cho bài kiểm tra. Các phòng thí nghiệm này cũng bao gồm các giải pháp video, vì vậy bạn cũng có thể thấy trong thời gian thực cách khắc phục các sự cố và tìm ra các phương pháp tốt nhất để xử lý qua từng kịch bản.
Khóa học quản trị Red Hat Certified System Administrator 2020 mới nhất.

1 Lesson 9 Lab - Managing Processes.mp4
2 Module introduction.mp4
3 Learning objectives.mp4
4 1.1 Understanding Server Requirements.mp4
5 1.2 Performing a Basic Installation.mp4
6 1.3 Installing with Custom Partitioning.mp4
7 1.4 Logging into the Server.mp4
8 1.5 Deploying RHEL in Cloud.mp4
9 Lesson 1 Lab - Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux.mp4
010 Lesson 1 Lab Solution - Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux.mp4
011 Learning objectives.mp4
012 2.1 Getting Started with Linux Commands.mp4
013 2.2 Working with the Bash Shell.mp4
014 2.3 Understanding I O Redirection and Piping.mp4
015 2.4 Using I O Redirection and Piping.mp4
016 2.5 Understanding the Linux File System Hierarchy.mp4
017 2.6 Using man.mp4
018 2.7 Finding the right man page.mp4
019 2.8 Understanding vim.mp4
020 2.9 Using vim.mp4
021 2.10 Using Globbing and Wildcards.mp4
022 2.11 Using Cockpit.mp4
023 Lesson 2 Lab - Using Essential Tools.mp4
024 Lesson 2 Lab Solution - Using Essential Tools.mp4
025 Learning objectives.mp4
026 3.1 Essential File Management Tasks.mp4
027 3.2 Finding Files.mp4
028 3.3 Understanding Mounts.mp4
029 3.4 Understanding Links.mp4
030 3.5 Working with Links.mp4
031 3.6 Working with tar.mp4
032 3.7 Working with Compressed Files.mp4
033 Lesson 3 Lab - Essential File Management Tools.mp4
034 Lesson 3 Lab Solution - Essential File Management Tools.mp4
035 Learning objectives.mp4
036 4.1 Using Common Text Tools.mp4
037 4.2 Using grep.mp4
038 4.3 Understanding Regular Expressions.mp4
039 4.4 Using awk.mp4
040 4.5 Using sed.mp4
041 Lesson 4 Lab - Working with Text Files.mp4
042 Lesson 4 Lab Solution - Working with Text Files.mp4
043 Learning objectives.mp4
044 5.1 Understanding the Root User.mp4
045 5.2 Logging in to the GUI.mp4
046 5.3 Logging in to the Console.mp4
047 5.4 Understanding Virtual Terminals.mp4
048 5.5 Switching Between Virtual Terminals.mp4
049 5.6 Using su to Work as Another User.mp4
050 5.7 Using sudo to Perform Administrator Tasks.mp4
051 5.8 Using ssh to Log in Remotely.mp4
052 Lesson 5 Lab - Connecting to a RHEL Server.mp4
053 Lesson 5 Lab Solution - Connecting to a RHEL Server.mp4
054 Learning objectives.mp4
055 6.1 Understanding the Need for User Accounts.mp4
056 6.2 Understanding User Properties.mp4
057 6.3 Creating and Managing Users.mp4
058 6.4 Managing User Default Settings.mp4
059 6.5 Understanding etc passwd and etc shadow.mp4
060 6.6 Understanding Group Membership.mp4
061 6.7 Creating and Managing Groups.mp4
062 6.8 Managing Password Properties.mp4
063 Lesson 6 Lab - Managing Users and Groups.mp4
064 Lesson 6 Lab Solution - Managing User and Groups.mp4
065 Learning objectives.mp4
066 7.1 Understanding Ownership.mp4
067 7.2 Changing File Ownership.mp4
068 7.3 Understanding Basic Permissions.mp4
069 7.4 Managing Basic Permissions.mp4
070 7.5 Understanding umask.mp4
071 7.6 Understanding Special Permissions.mp4
072 7.7 Managing Special Permissions.mp4
073 7.8 Understanding ACLs.mp4
074 7.9 Managing ACLs.mp4
075 7.10 Troubleshooting Permissions.mp4
076 Lesson 7 Lab - Managing Permissions.mp4
077 Lesson 7 Lab Solution - Managing Permissions.mp4
078 Learning objectives.mp4
079 8.1 Understanding IPv4 Networking.mp4
080 8.2 Understanding NIC Naming.mp4
081 8.3 Managing Runtime Configuration with ip.mp4
082 8.4 Understanding RHEL 8 Networking.mp4
083 8.5 Managing Persistent Networking with nmcli.mp4
084 8.6 Managing Persistent Networking with nmtui.mp4
085 8.7 Verifying Network Configuration Files.mp4
086 8.8 Testing Network Connections.mp4
087 Lesson 8 Lab - Configuring Networking.mp4
088 Lesson 8 Lab Solution - Configuring Networking.mp4
089 Module introduction.mp4
090 Learning objectives.mp4
091 9.1 Understanding Jobs and Processes.mp4
092 9.2 Managing Shell Jobs.mp4
093 9.3 Getting Process Information with ps.mp4
094 9.4 Understanding Memory Usage.mp4
095 9.5 Understanding CPU Load.mp4
096 9.6 Monitoring System Activity with top.mp4
097 9.7 Sending Signals to Processes.mp4
098 9.8 Managing Priorities and Niceness.mp4
099 9.9 Using Tuned Profiles.mp4
1 Red Hat Certified System Administrator RHCSA - Introduction.mp4
101 Lesson 9 Lab Solution - Managing Processes.mp4
102 Learning objectives.mp4
103 10.1 Understanding RPM Packages.mp4
104 10.2 Setting up Repository Access.mp4
105 10.3 Understanding Modules and Application Streams.mp4
106 10.4 Managing Packages with yum.mp4
107 10.5 Managing Modules and Application Streams.mp4
108 10.6 Using yum Groups.mp4
109 10.7 Managing yum updates and yum history.mp4
110 10.8 Using RPM Queries.mp4
111 10.9 Using Red Hat Subscription Manager.mp4
112 Lesson 10 Lab - Managing Software.mp4
113 Lesson 10 Lab Solution - Managing Software.mp4
114 Learning objectives.mp4
115 11.1 Understanding Systemd Units.mp4
116 11.2 Managing Systemd Services.mp4
117 11.3 Modifying Systemd Service Configuration.mp4
118 Lesson 11 Lab - Working with Systemd.mp4
119 Lesson 11 Lab Solution - Working with Systemd.mp4
120 Learning objectives.mp4
121 12.1 Understanding cron and at.mp4
122 12.2 Understanding cron Scheduling Options.mp4
123 12.3 Understanding anacron.mp4
124 12.4 Scheduling with cron.mp4
125 12.5 Scheduling Tasks with Systemd Timers.mp4
126 12.6 Using at.mp4
127 12.7 Managing Temporary Files.mp4
128 Lesson 12 Lab - Using at.mp4
129 Lesson 12 Lab Solution - Using at.mp4
130 Learning objectives.mp4
131 13.1 Understanding RHEL 8 Logging Options.mp4
132 13.2 Configuring Rsyslog Logging.mp4
133 13.3 Working with systemd-journald.mp4
134 13.4 Preserving the Systemd Journal.mp4
135 13.4 13.5 Configuring Logrotate.mp4
136 Lesson 13 Lab - Configuring Logging.mp4
137 Lesson 13 Lab Solution - Configuring Logging.mp4
138 Learning objectives.mp4
139 14.1 Understanding Disk Layout.mp4
140 14.2 Understanding Linux Storage Options.mp4
141 14.3 Understanding GPT and MBR Partitions.mp4
142 14.4 Creating Partitions with parted.mp4
143 14.5 Creating MBR Partitions with fdisk.mp4
144 14.6 Understanding File System Differences.mp4
145 14.7 Making and Mounting File Systems.mp4
146 14.8 Mounting Partitions through etc fstab.mp4
147 14.9 Managing Persistent Naming Attributes.mp4
148 14.10 Managing Systemd Mounts.mp4
149 14.11 Managing XFS File Systems.mp4
150 14.12 Creating a Swap Partition.mp4
151 Lesson 14 Lab - Managing Storage.mp4
152 Lesson 14 Lab Solution - Managing Storage.mp4
153 Learning objectives.mp4
154 15.1 Understanding LVM Stratis and VDO.mp4
155 15.2 Understanding LVM Setup.mp4
156 15.3 Creating an LVM Logical Volume.mp4
157 15.4 Understanding Device Mapper and LVM Device Names.mp4
158 15.5 Resizing LVM Logical Volumes.mp4
159 15.6 Understanding Stratis Setup.mp4
160 15.7 Creating Stratis Volumes.mp4
161 15.8 Managing Stratis Storage Features.mp4
162 15.9 Understanding VDO.mp4
163 15.10 Configuring VDO Volumes.mp4
164 15.11 Understanding LUKS Encrypted Volumes.mp4
165 15.12 Configuring LUKS Encrypted Volumes.mp4
166 Lesson 15 Lab - Managing Advanced Storage.mp4
167 Lesson 15 Lab Solution - Managing Advanced Storage.mp4
168 Module introduction.mp4
169 Learning objectives.mp4
170 16.1 Understanding the Linux Kernel.mp4
171 16.2 Working with Kernel Modules.mp4
172 16.3 Using modprobe.mp4
173 16.4 Using proc to Tune Kernel Behavior.mp4
174 16.5 Updating the Kernel.mp4
175 Lesson 16 Lab - Managing the Kernel.mp4
176 Lesson 16 Lab Solution - Managing the Kernel.mp4
177 Learning objectives.mp4
178 17.1 Understanding the Boot Procedure.mp4
179 17.2 Modifying Grub2 Runtime Parameters.mp4
180 17.3 Modifying Grub2 Persistent Parameters.mp4
181 17.4 Managing Systemd Targets.mp4
182 17.5 Setting the Default Systemd Target.mp4
183 17.6 Booting into a Specific Target.mp4
184 Lesson 17 Lab - Managing the Boot Procedure.mp4
185 Lesson 17 Lab Solution - Managing the Boot Procedure.mp4
186 Learning objectives.mp4
187 18.1 Understanding Troubleshooting Modes.mp4
188 18.2 Changing the Root Password.mp4
189 18.3 Troubleshooting Filesystem Issues.mp4
190 18.4 Troubleshooting Networking Issues.mp4
191 18.5 Troubleshooting Performance Issues.mp4
192 18.6 Troubleshooting Software Issues.mp4
193 18.7 Troubleshooting Memory Shortage.mp4
194 18.8 Consulting Red Hat Websites for Troubleshooting Tips.mp4
195 Lesson 18 Lab - Applying Troubleshooting Skills.mp4
196 Learning objectives.mp4
197 19.1 Understanding Bash Shell Scripts.mp4
198 19.2 Essential Shell Script Components.mp4
199 19.3 Using Loops in Shell Scripts Part 1.mp4
2 19.4 Using Loops in Shell Scripts Part 2.mp4
201 Lesson 19 Lab - Writing Shell Scripts.mp4
202 Lesson 19 Lab Solution - Writing Shell Scripts.mp4
203 Module introduction.mp4
204 Learning objectives.mp4
205 20.1 Understanding SSH Key-based Login.mp4
206 20.2 Setting up SSH Key-based Login.mp4
207 20.3 Changing Common SSH Server Options.mp4
208 20.4 Securely Copying Files.mp4
209 20.5 Securely Synchronizing Files.mp4
210 Lesson 20 Lab - Managing SSH.mp4
211 Lesson 20 Lab Solution - Managing SSH.mp4
212 Learning objectives.mp4
213 21.1 Understanding Apache Configuration.mp4
214 21.2 Creating a Basic Website.mp4
215 Lesson 21 Lab - Managing HTTP Services.mp4
216 Lesson 21 Lab Solution - Managing HTTP Services.mp4
217 Learning objectives.mp4
218 22.1 Understanding the Need for SELinux.mp4
219 22.2 Managing SELinux Modes.mp4
220 22.3 Understanding SELinux Context Labels and Booleans.mp4
221 22.4 Using File Context Labels.mp4
222 22.5 Analyzing SELinux Log Messages.mp4
223 22.6 Resetting the Root Password and SELinux.mp4
224 Lesson 22 Lab - Managing SELinux.mp4
225 Lesson 22 Lab Solution - Managing SELinux.mp4
226 Learning objectives.mp4
227 23.1 Understanding RHEL 8 Firewalling.mp4
228 23.2 Understanding Firewalld Components.mp4
229 23.3 Configuring a Firewall with firewall-cmd.mp4
230 23.4 Using firewall-config.mp4
231 Lesson 23 Lab - Configuring a Firewall.mp4
232 Lesson 23 Lab Solution - Configuring a Firewall.mp4
233 Learning objectives.mp4
234 24.1 Understanding Automated Installations Solutions.mp4
235 24.2 Creating a Kickstart File.mp4
236 24.3 Using the Kickstart File for Automatic Installations.mp4
237 24.4 Using Kickstart Files in Fully Automated Datacenters.mp4
238 24.5 Using Vagrant to Set Up Virtual Machines.mp4
239 Lesson 24 Lab - Automating Installations.mp4
240 Lesson 24 Lab Solution - Automating Installations.mp4
241 Learning objectives.mp4
242 25.1 Understanding Linux Time.mp4
243 25.2 Setting Time with timedatectl.mp4
244 Lesson 25 Labs - Configuring Time Services.mp4
245 Lesson 25 Lab Solution - Configuring Time Services.mp4
246 Learning objectives.mp4
247 26.1 Configuring a Base NFS Server.mp4
248 26.2 Mounting NFS Shares.mp4
249 26.3 Configuring a Base Samba Server.mp4
250 26.4 Mounting Samba Shares.mp4
251 26.5 Understanding Automount.mp4
252 26.6 Configuring Automount.mp4
253 26.7 Configuring Automount for Home Directories.mp4
254 Lesson 26 Lab - Configuring Automount.mp4
255 Lesson 26 Lab Solution - Configuring Automount.mp4
256 Module introduction.mp4
257 Learning objectives.mp4
258 27.1 RHCSA Sample Exam Assignments.mp4
259 27.2 Setting up a Base Server Solution.mp4
260 27.3 Resetting the Root Password Solution.mp4
261 27.4 Configuring a Repository Solution.mp4
262 27.5 Managing Partitions Solution.mp4
263 27.6 Managing LVM Logical Volumes Solution.mp4
264 27.7 Creating Users and Groups Solution.mp4
265 27.8 Managing Permissions Solution.mp4
266 27.9 Scheduling Jobs Solution.mp4
267 Red Hat Certified System Administrator RHCSA - Summary.mp4

Khóa học quản trị Red Hat Certified System Administrator 2020 mới nhất.

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